Azure Pricing

I'm making hoby services and considering Azure for hostring service.
However I don’t have much money.
I want to manage as cheap as possible.

Therefore, I research pricings and consider most cheap arcitecure.

Shared: ¥1,250.928/month (limit 240 CPU min / day) 😢
Basic1: ¥7,235.760/month 🤑

Basic1: ¥1,553.44/month 😗

Storage: ~¥100/month 😊
CDN : ~¥1,200/month 🙄
Function: ~¥0/month (within free plan) 😊

Container Instance
Instance: ~¥4000/month 🤑
Registry: ¥540/month 🤔

I think WebApps for Linux or Static WebSite with Function are better.

You'll only receive email when they publish something new.

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